4 Spring Air Purifying Tips

Spring is one of the best times of the year. Wisconsinites have survived the bitter cold weather and can leave their homes without being slapped with below-zero temperatures. 

With the change in weather, it’s important to remember that allergens and other pollutants are also on the rise. We’ve compiled a list of tips for creating a healthy indoor environment for you and your family. 

1. Clean Your AC Unit

Before you need to rely on your air conditioner during the summer, clean your AC unit. 

Clear your outdoor AC unit of debris that has accumulated throughout the fall and winter. Use a hose to spray it down and remove any grime and buildup. 

This is an excellent opportunity for you to test your AC and ensure it’s in working order after being dormant for months. Regular maintenance lets you know you can confidently rely on your AC unit when you need it most. 

If you do need a repair or replacement, it’s best to get it scheduled before there is a longer wait time during the busy summer season.  

2. Change the Air Filters

Check and change your air filter regularly for the best air quality this spring. 

We recommend changing your air filters regularly for homes with and without pets or family members suffering from allergens. 

Dirty and clogged air filters can cause health issues for you and your family and strain your HVAC system. Dirty air filters also worsen allergies and asthma, frequent colds, sneezing, sinus infections, and respiratory infections. 

We also recommend choosing a high-quality filter. At Martens Heating & Cooling, we use only the top-rated filters. You can use the same filter for longer while creating pure air quality throughout your home. 

3. Use an Air Purifier 

Wondering how to purify your home air? If you or someone you know suffers from spring allergies, an air purifier is a great option. 

Air purifiers boost your overall health, reduce allergens and pollutants in your home, and handle the more harmful hazards such as carbon and nitrogen pollutants.

You can find small air purifiers at box stores, but whole-home air purification systems are the best option for creating the purest air quality. At Martens Heating & Cooling, we offer a range of air quality services that can create the best air environment for your home. 

Try dehumidification services to remove excess humidity in the air that allergens and molds can thrive in. Or if your home’s air is too dry, humidification services are also available to reduce the risk of sore throats, cold and flu viruses, and more. 

4. Run the HVAC Fan After Cleaning

To create the best indoor environment for you and your family, clean often. Keeping your home clean can help to improve the overall health and living quality of your home. 

Wash bedsheets, dust, vacuum, replace your air filters and wipe down any surfaces you use daily. 

Cleaning helps to remove allergens and pollutants, but it can also stir them into the air as you work. Running your HVAC fan continuously will allow the particles to go through your HVAC system and the air filters before being the overall air you breathe. 

This same air will settle on the surfaces you just cleaned, so this is another way to ensure it’s clean. 

Contact the Professionals at Martens Heating & Cooling Today for Air Quality Services

Spring is the number one time of year for seasonal allergies, as there’s an increase in allergens in the outdoor air, which is then brought into your home. 

By following the steps above and taking precautions to prevent allergens from entering your home in the first place, you can lessen spring allergies for both you and your family. 

Call the Fox Cities HVAC experts at Martens Heating & Cooling today to review your HVAC unit and replace your air filters for the spring season!

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